We offer a selection of different stories: scary, children’s, and funny. Choose what you like and share.

Once upon a time, there lived a glorious young blacksmith boy whose name was Jack. One day, on the eve of All Saints’ Day, he had an encounter with the devil himself. But Jack was not a coward, and loved to drink, so he invited Satan for a pint at the local pub.
When it was time to pay the bill, Jack persuaded the devil to change into a coin. He agreed, in exchange for young Jack’s soul.
But the cunning guy put the coin in his pocket, where he kept the silver cross that deprives the devil of superpowers.
Satan began to beg the boy for mercy. Jack agreed, on one condition: the devil must never get his soul after his death. That was the deal.
Many years went by. Jack grew old and died… The time of the great judgment came. God refused to let the sinful drunkard go to heaven. So Jack went to Satan, but he too could not take him to hell, for the promise was stronger. Jack could not make up his mind where to go…
It was pitch black all around, Jack begged the devil for a coal from the hellfire, cut a lantern out of a gourd and put the coal inside so that the fire would not go out. Since then Jack walks around the world waiting for the awful judgment…As a symbol of the damned soul.
There once was an old man in the world. He knew many terrible stories, and he liked to read them to naughty girls all over the world.
If somewhere in the world some girl did not listen to his mother, the mother invited the old man to a peculiar educational conversation.
Grandpa put on a long cape, high boots, and hat, packed a magic suitcase, and set off on a sometimes very long journey. On the way he would hum songs about murderers, maniacs, robbers and other evil things…
When the old man came to visit, he asked the naughty girl’s mother to leave for a while to be alone with her daughter. After all, the adults were forbidden to listen to his horror stories.
Mom agreed and went about her business. On her return, she was surprised: the house was very quiet, the girl was no longer capricious … She slept a good sleep!
Rumor has it that every year, on Halloween night from October 31 to November 1, from two to five in the morning, there is a real emptiness in the world. And there is a way to feel it. You have to stand in front of a mirror in a black room, gazing long and hard at your reflection. After a while, you can feel a cool touch.
Then it is necessary to put your right hand to the mirror and whisper to it: “I agree.
If you do everything correctly, you can see an image of a baby. But not just an infant, but one with black eyes like tar, devoid of skin and, it seems, of any emotion.
He will look directly into the soul, and the man will hear the buzzing of flies and enveloping whispers.
He will be filled to the brim with terror. The baby will ask questions about life, in a hollow, inhuman voice.
Every wrong answer and the man will be forever deprived of one of the five senses. The right one is the ability to remember and name the familiar. But the advantage is illusory, for in the morning these people will be found dead, devoid of muscles and eyes…

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary family. A mother, a daughter, and a son. One day the mother went to a Halloween party, but when she returned home, she found a strange red spot on her face. On the contrary, it did not go away, but grew larger every day, and one day it enveloped the whole woman’s face and she died.
Her mother’s last words to her children were to ask them never to go to the cemetery.
But the night after his mother died, the boy heard his mother’s voice calling him to the cemetery. He was used to listening to his parent, so he went there. And disappeared. The next night, the girl also heard her mother’s voice calling to visit the cemetery.
She listened. And there she met her mother, in a white dress, with a red face. Looking closer, she noticed it was a mask. Her daughter tried to help and take it off her mother, but the mask was glued to the girl’s face.
Thus the mother dropped her curse… She kissed her daughter on the forehead and went home. And the girl has been walking around in the red mask ever since, scaring people…
One day three girlfriends decided to call the Queen of Spades. They poured water into a glass, put a mirror beside it and ordered: “Appear, Queen of Spades!”
At midnight the girls heard the creaking of a door and footsteps. The first one decided to see what was going on. But she did not return for a long time… The second also became curious. But she didn’t come back either.
The third girl was scared shitless and decided to hide in the closet.
In the morning, the second girl was found dead in the bathroom, with three dots on her neck. The first was found three days later in a damp basement, with the same black dots. She, too, was dead. The third girl was horrified and told everything about the fortune-telling.

None of the girls knew that in order for the Queen of Spades to disappear, they had to throw a mirror on the floor.