Dead Bride

This holiday heroine is characterized by a pale face with whitened lips, “empty” eyes, and sunken cheekbones. Bloody traces, which make the image really scary, there is also a place: you can leave them on the face with red lipstick, smearing it with your fingers. To enhance the effect, the same traces can be left on the veil and white dress. On the contrast will play well delicate details – for example, flowers.
Witch image

The image of a witch on Halloween is also in great demand among the beautiful half of humanity. It can look both beautiful and sexy or scary and frightening.
Young girls prefer to use the image of a beautiful witch. Older women can sometimes transform in the image of a scary Baba Yaga.
A black or dark purple dress is used as the basis. For witches, it is better to use clothes with lace.
Sometimes corseted sundresses with short skirts are used. It looks attractive.
Also on the head they wear a large black cone hat. This is an obligatory attribute of a witch. Additionally, in their hands they take a broom. One can’t do without it.
As decorations various amulets and rings can be used. By the way, such an image of a witch is well suited for a girl.
The main thing is to make a suitable costume.
The Mummy

A little more complicated than the previous images, but not by much. To create a mummy you need only a few dozen bandages.
If you want, you can not completely cover the face. Instead, it is better to make it up as a dead person. It will look scarier.

Quite a popular image for such a holiday. The base is black clothes with glued imitation bones.
And for a more professional version, frightening makeup is put on the face. It turns out pretty cool!
Image of the Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades is a spirit from the netherworld that can come into this world through a mirror. There are many horror stories and legends about it. As a child, children love to scare each other with it.
Did not avoid attention to this character and the film industry. On this topic was made a separate horror film.
Even our classic Alexander Pushkin wrote a mystical story “The Queen of Spades. You can read it for interest.
It is worth saying that on the holiday this image is not really scary. On the contrary, it is very beautiful. The main color is black.
The main element is the pique. It is drawn on the face and uses patterns on clothing.