Top 10 Halloween traditions

Halloween is filled with traditions for all tastes, but we’ll tell you about the most common and the easiest to implement.

Halloween traditions

  1. On the eve of All Saints’ Day, it is customary to clean and purify the house, so you can get rid of any negative energy.
  2. The best way to get rid of any negative energy is to do it on Halloween. By the way, it is believed that it’s easier to know your future on this day, because the boundary between the worlds is thinned.
  3. Walk down the street in a scary costume to mingle with the spirits that flood the earth on this day.
  4. pay debts, keep promises. Do all the things we do on the eve of the new year, because Samhain is the Celtic new year.
  5. Leave food and water on the table for the good spirits that will visit your home.
  1. Decorate the house with fall paraphernalia.
  2. Be sure to create your own personal Jack lantern. It will protect you from evil forces on this day.
  3. Prepare mulled wine. Juices, kissels, and mead will also work. Red wine and beer are traditional drinks for Samhain.
  4. Buy gingerbread and make beet, turnip and pumpkin dishes, which is how Halloween is celebrated in its homeland.
  5. Anything can be your mascot on this day!